coke bottle cake

Ever wanted to turn a Coke bottle into a cake? If so, now’s your chance. It’s fun, it looks great and it’s definitely something a little bit different to take you away from that traditional cake look. Becky shows us exactly how to create a coke bottle cake that is guaranteed to ‘wow’!


Coke bottle
  • 1 block white chocolate
  • 3 block dark chocolate
  • Batch of homemade buttercream
  • Coles mud cake, cut to size

Coke Bottle Cake Method

  1. Start with a big bottle. Remove the label gently to save for later. Tip: you can soak it in hot water to help with this step.
  2. Cut the bottle in half carefully around it’s centre.
  3. Melt the white chocolate. The easiest way to do this is by creating a water bath on the stove and melting the chocolate on top.
  4. Apply a thin layer in the top section (near the cap), coming down about 4 inches approx. let it dry then do another layer.
  5. Melt dark chocolate (3 blocks used all up), and do two thin layers of the rest of the top and the bottom section.

6. Once dry, layer the Coles mud cake (I cut mine into circles) and buttercream icing on the inside of each half.

7. Very carefully remove the outer plastic coke bottle from the two halves by cutting it away with a sharp knife.

8. Save the cap.

9. Joined the layers together with a layer of buttercream and some melted chocolate around the outside.

10. Attach the label around the join and the cap with a bit of melted chocolate.

Tip – freezing the halves for 1/2 hour before removing the plastic bottle helped separated the chocolate from the plastic on the inside.

Voila! And there you have it: your very own Coke bottle cake that looks extremely life-like.

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