gender reveal cupcakes

If you’re looking for a cute and fun way to announce the sex of your baby – or even find out the sex for yourself for the first time – this is it! Gender reveal cupcakes!

Picture this, you have your friends and family over and everyone is given their very own cupcake to bite into (assuming you trust them). On the count of three…1…2…3, you take a bite and voila! Is it a boy or is it a girl?!

How exciting!

It’s no wonder gender reveals are becoming bigger and bigger. It’s a fun way to find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl, and you can involve all your friends and family in it as well. Here’s everything you need to know about planning gender reveal cupcakes and what you need to consider in the process.

Who Is Making The Gender Reveal Cupcakes?

gender reveal cupcakes

First thing is first, who is actually making these cupcakes! If you’re the parents-to-be, do you want to know the gender of your baby before the party? Or would you prefer to find out with everyone else? This is the first question you should be asking yourself!

If you don’t want to know beforehand, then it’s time to get delegating. You have a couple of options here. The first thing you need to do is get your sonographer to pop the sex of your baby on and piece of paper and into an envelope for you. This way you can pass it on without accidentally finding out yourself.

Now, you need to decide who you will be passing this onto.

  1. Ask family or a friend: do you have something you trust who would love the opportunity to bake this surprise for you? If so, ask them! They will love having such a special part in your day. Of course, they need to be able to stay tight lipped about the sex of your baby.
  2. Send it to a bakery: you can have the cupcakes made by a professional if you prefer! Send the envelope to them with the gender inside and get them to make up the cupcakes for you.

How To Fill The Cupcakes

gender reveal cupcakes

You have a couple of options when it comes to filling the cupcakes with pink or blue – it all comes down to personal preference. Here’s a few for you to consider:

Dye the cake

Don’t want the hassle, fiddly party of filling the cupcakes? You can skip it completely by simply dying the cake batter before you cook it in the patties. Add a few drops of pink or blue dye to your cake batter, just before it’s ready for the oven. It’s always best to use this option with a vanilla cake mix, as the colour will show up much better.

Start with just a few drops and mix them in before adding more. This way you can truly find the perfect colour. Remember, you can always make it darker, but it’s much harder going the other way.

Another thing you need to keep in mind for this option is how dark your cupcake cases are. The last thing you want is guests being able to see straight away what the sex is without even peeling off the wrapping!


Sure, things get a littttttle bit messy when you do them this way, but oh so much fun as well! Plus, you don’t risk guests finding out before they actually bite into the cupcake – win!

Start by baking the cupcakes as you would normally. Choose any flavour you like for this one! Vanilla cupcakes are always a great go-to.

Once they are baked and cooled the real fun begins.

You want to take some of the cupcake out to pop those sprinkles in. What you use is entirely up to you! If you have piping tips handy, these are really great (check out the link)! You just twist it into the cake, pull it back out and a chunk of cake will come with it.

If you don’t have a piping lid, just a knife or spoon will do! You don’t have to be too tidy about it – no-one will notice when they bite into it.

But don’t discard! Instead, fill up the hole with sprinkles, and squish that top back on the cupcake to cover them up. Now you can decorate the top however you like! Buttercream, icing, fondant, you name it. The sky is your limit!


If you want something a little less messy, then go for icing inside. At least you can be guaranteed it won’t end up all over your floor with just one bite!

Follow the same method as above, cutting out the small hole, but fill it up with pink or blue icing this time.

The easiest way to do this is using a piping bag. It creates a lot less mess in the process. Simply squeeze a little into the centre and then decorate until your heart’s content.

Planning a Cupcake Gender Reveal

cake, tier, topping-5709191.jpg

Of course, the final part of the process is planning the actual gender reveal!

If you need a little help planning the all-important party, then don’t forget to download our FREE DIY party planning checklist.

Here’s some tips and hints to help you out (most importantly, don’t forget the cupcakes for gender reveal party):

  • Pick a time and venue: when it comes to something as exciting as finding out the gender of a baby, people are eager to get it done as soon as possible. Plus, if you’re the only one who knows, it can be a big secret to hang onto indefinitely! 
  • Big deal or small do? A gender reveal can be between the couple, with some immediate family, or a big party with lots of guests. Before you even dive into making the cupcakes, make sure you know how many you’re catering to. If it’s a big group, perhaps only make the cupcakes for the couple and everyone else can watch on.
  • Decorate! A party is a party after all, don’t forget to put a few decorations in place to make it feel extra special. You can find some supplies in our very handy directory.
  • Cake board: one of those all-important items that lots of people leave off their to-do list. You need a board to display the cupcakes at the party – they are the main feature after all. You might even prefer to go a little more fancy with a cupcake stand. Just make sure you keep the guests away until it’s time to bite into them!
  • Camera: the last thing you need to remember is the most important. Have someone dedicated to filming the entire event. This is a memory you will want with you for a lifetime after all.

Have fun! Gender reveals are all about fun – no matter the sex. If you do have a particular sex in mind and are worried about disappointment, it helps to organise a smaller event with just those closest to you. Just remember, gender disappointment is very real and there’s nothing to be ashamed about.


Gender Reveal Cupcake Ideas

Ready to start creating your very own gender reveal cupcakes? Here’s some inspiration to help you pull together something fabulous!

Fondant Baby Faces

gender reveal cupcakes

How adorable are these sweet little fondant baby faces. These easy gender reveal cupcakes are simple to make, just rolling out some skin-coloured fondant and decorating! Blue beanie and dummy for boy and pink for girl. You can just use an edible marker for the eyes. Done!

Moon and Stars

The moon and stars cupcakes are another cute option. Simply decorate the tops with some buttercream, then place a fondant moon (again with an edible marker face), fondant stars and mini marshmallows. They look so adorable and will be a real hit!

Gender Reveal Cake Pops

gender reveal cupcakes

If you choose to dye the cake (see options above), then cake pops are a great idea! You cover the cake in melted chocolate so no-one can see what’s inside. You can create some pink and blue cake pops that will look gorgeous set up next to each other on the party table, ready to be bitten into!

Cupcake Toppers

gender reveal cupcake toppers

Not keen on doing the decorating yourself? Who can blame you! These cupcake toppers are the perfect solution. You have so many options to choose from as well. Simply shop online, or pick some flowers for a gorgeous final touch. Voila!

Rattle Cupcakes

gender reveal cupcake rattles

These cupcake rattles are far too cute for words! They are super simple too. Make them in both blue and pink to keep the suspense going, simply covering with icing, with a strip of fondant across the middle. Stick a lollipop with a bow in one end and there you have it. A quick and easy solution!

Gender Reveal Cupcake Toppers

Want to take all the hard work out? Who wouldn’t! Here are some adorable cupcake toppers that will save you all the effort, while looking just as fabulous.

Baby Onesie Toppers


These little guys are just adorable. Pop some icing on your cupcakes and stick these in the top and they will look amazing! They come in a pack of 30, ready to use.

Shop latest prices here>>>

Boy or Girl Toppers


Want to keep things a little more pink and blue? These cupcake toppers are just ideal. They come in a pack of 24, with six of each design for you to decorate your cupcakes with.

Shop latest prices here>>>

Oh Baby Toppers


Oh baby, that’s right! Keep things nice and simple with these adorable cupcake toppers with a single gorgeous bow underneath the words.

Shop latest prices here>>>

Little Onesie Toppers


Look can’t look past this tutu and suspenders set! It’s ‘tutu’ cute (pun, sorry!). They make the perfect toppers when waiting to find out the gender of the baby.

Shop latest prices here>>>

Need help planning your next birthday party? Make sure your download our DIY party planning checklist and have a go! 


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