Rainbow cake hack

I absolutely love a good cake hack, and this one is a real winner. My five-year-old spotted it over my shoulder as I was scrolling Facebook one day and asked if she could make it for my birthday that week. Sure! It was simple, covered in smarties and easy enough for the kids (7, 5 and 3) to do on their own. You can’t beat a birthday cake that you don’t have to make yourself! Here’s how to pull off this very easy rainbow cake hack.

What you need

Rainbow cake hack ingredients
  • 1 x Coles mud cake (I went with vanilla)
  • 1 x packet smarties (a big family pack!)
  • 1 x frosting (whatever takes your fancy)
  • Marshmallows 
  • 1 x cake board – shop here>>>

Creating a rainbow

Rainbow cake hack

I got the kids started with this rainbow cake hack before letting them loose with the smarties.

Grab your cake board a pop the Coles cake on top. Slice it straight down the middle. The next bit is your choice. I removed the icing to create a flat edge on both sides, then simple stood both halves up and joined together with icing. Voila! You have your rainbow shape.

With the kids help, we covered the rest of the cake with icing, ready to go.

Decorating time!

Rainbow cake decorating

Now for the fun part, decorating. I left the kids to their own devices for this, handing them a bag of marshmallows and a bag of smarties and walking away.

They had seen the end picture, and then took their own spin on it. The girls worked together to place the smarties around the cake and create their very own rainbow. My three year old was very helpful placing on the odd msartie, but mostly picking up the strays and popping them in his mouth.

finished rainbow cake

The next touch was the marshmallow clouds on either side. The girls decided to build these up as much as possible, sticking the marshmallows together with some icing.

The final touch: they spelt out MUM with smarties on the front of the cake board (and did a fantastic job).

The kids were so proud of themselves for this fabulous creation, and I felt extremely spoilt having so much love and fun go into my birthday cake!

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