Do you have a dinosaur loving child in your home? Then this dinosaur cake is just for them! Even better, it’s a great DIY cake for you to pull together. Mum Emma takes us through step by step how she created this incredible cake, so you can do it too! You have to love a good old Coles cake hack – that’s right, you don’t even have to bake for this one. It’s time to roll those sleeves up and dive right in.
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- 2 Coles mud cakes
- 2 boxes white, ready-to-roll fondant: shop here>>>
- Green food colouring: shop here>>>
- Betty Crocker, ready-to-use buttercream icing: shop here>>>
Emma dove in and rolled off the icing from the Coles mud cakes and did the cuts straight away. If she had her time again, she recommends rolling off the icing then freezing the cakes first to make them easier to cut.
There’s a handy template guide above that you can follow, so you know exactly where to cut this dinosaur cake. Emma put boiling water on the knife to cut through the cake, but recommends freezing first.

The cake is now wrapped and ready to freeze! Of course, if you follow Emma’s tip about cutting after freezing, then you will be up to cutting now (reverse the steps).

After being frozen overnight, Emma had a lot more luck carving out the cake to actually resemble a dinosaur! Now for the fun part – sticking the dinosaur together.
Making the dinosaur cake
Using the buttercream, you can stick together the dinosaur cake pieces. And voila! It’s starting to take shape.
Emma then applied a crumb coat with the buttercream. The idea is to smooth everything out before applying the fondant. If you’re having trouble with this step (Emma did with the face), you can just do the best you can on the rest of the cake and leave it. You want to keep the shape as much as possible.
Covering in fondant
Add a few drops of green colouring to the read-to-roll fondant. Mix it in until you get the colour you want.
Roll out the fondant, and make sure you roll a piece big enough to fit over the entire cake.
Hint: it helps to put flour underneath to stop the fondant from sticking to the surface you’re using.
Lift it up in one go and put it on top of your cake. Smooth it over with your hands, making sure to go over all the curves and edges.
When you’re done and happy, cut around the bottom with a knife. Don’t get too close…you can just use your fingers to smooth it out at the end.
Now, repeat with yellow food colouring and brown food colouring for the spikes and dots.It helps to let the spikes dry at least overnight so they go a little hard.
Final Touches for dinosaur cake

You can just use a little water to stick the fondant dots to the dinosaur. The nose and mouth have also been shaped from the brown fondant.
Here’s everything you need to know about choosing the right cake board for your Dinosaur cake.
Voila! There you have it. The cutest little dinosaur cake. And it’s something you can definitely tackle for yourself.
If you need more Dinosaur party inspiration, check out these posts:
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