Minecraft Party Table

If you know you know. Minecraft is a very popular video game, and it’s no wonder it has become an equally popular party theme. Kristie shows us just how to pull together an awesome DIY Minecraft party, with clever food options and plenty of crafts!

Minecraft  Decorations

Many of the Minecraft decorations you see around this party were made by Kristie herself. She ordered 50 square boxes online (shop here) and made all the files and printed them for the decorations. Of course, you can outsource this part to a designer if you choose! Kristie hung them all up, cut a hole and put some ‘drops’ inside. For example, in the wood tree she put little log pictures that the guests could collect. Kristie then taped a piece of paper over the hole and got painting! Just Google a few Minecraft images for all the inspiration too. Kristie also made:
  • A bunch of different pickaxes so guests could first make a wooden one to mine stone, then a stone one to mine iron.
  • An iron one to mine diamonds. Then they could make a diamond sword.
The tools were just corflute from Bunnings with printed pictures.

The End Room Minecraft

Kristie made The End Room with weed mat from Bunnings. As you can see, it really set the scene and was only $23 for 25 metres!

Minecraft Food


You could scroll through all these amazing food for days. If there’s one great way to keep a party on theme, it’s the food – and Kristie has done an incredible job! Here’s how she pulled some of the main pieces together:

  • She got gold foil wraps from eBay and wrapped up Caramilk bar pieces.
  • The iron was foil wrapped on normal Cadbury choc.

Minecraft Drinks

The fun didn’t stop there! Even the party drinks are in theme.

Minecraft Party Entertainment

Minecraft scavenger hunt

Talk about bringing Minecraft to life! Kristie set up a Scavenger hunt and printed out and stuck the chest bit on card, and laminated the bottom part, laminated the pieces to hide and cut them out.

Minecraft pinata

The pinata was also made by Kristie.


Minecraft cake boy birthday party ideas

How amazing is this incredible Minecraft party cake! Yum. Kristie made this one all on her own and did an incredible job.

Minecraft Party Bags

Last but not least, the party bags!

These ones are stuffed full of plenty of amazing party favours, including:

  • Minecraft Lego
  • Lollies
  • Gold coins
  • Minecraft book
  • Lollies
  • Cutouts


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