wildflower arty

How sweet is this theme! Splashes of colour and bright decorations make this gorgeous theme not only fun to put together, but also look absolutely gorgeous. It suits any birthday from baby right up to adult and you can play around with the decor. Jacqui shares the gorgeous wildflower party she pulled together with some handy how-to tips. Read on!


wildflower party

As you might expect, one of the most important details for a Wildflower party are the actual flowers. I recommend speaking to a local market gardener or picking from your own garden. Mine were sourced from Lesopden Flower Farm.

The streamer backdrop, fake grass and sequin table runners, bunny-tiered plate and drink dispensers are from Kmart.

Party Food


You can have fun with party food ideas, as there’s so many options that fit the theme. Simply opt for bright, colourful food that complements the flowers. Here’s what I pulled together.

The dried flowers around the cupcakes can be done in a dehydrator or by allowing to naturally dry on a plate.

Wildflower snails

The snails were a highlight. These are homemade sausage rolls with the pastry rolled into a snail shaped and then baked.

jelly cups

Jelly cups are always a hit at any party, and topped with sprinkles they blend into the theme perfectly.

wildflower party food
3d butterfly cookies

The butterfly cookies are a favourite! They are easy but time-consuming.

Print out a template you like and place under greaseproof paper. Melt white choc and colour it with your preferred colours.

I like to use 10ml syringes or fine piping nozzles to trace the outlines then fill the wings with your colours. Sprinkle with whatever decorations you like and pop in the fridge. When they are half set gently bend the wings and prop them up using something like a thin book on each side until fully set. Then they will hold the ‘flying’ shape.

I usually dust with edible iridescent powder too before serving.

Wildflower Cake

wildflower cake

The Wildflower cake I made myself. Use your favourite recipe as a base then trim to make it slightly oval. Crumb coat with swiss meringue buttercream. 

To make the feathers, heat good quality bright white choc melts until melted. Spoon a small blob onto a tray covered with baking paper then flick it with a pastry or paint brush to create the feather affect. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes to set. 

Pipe rows of buttercream onto your cake and secure the feathers. Swan head is made from fondant and the crown is covered with edible gold leaf. 

Use foraged flowers to fill the back of the swan.

Party Favours

wildflower party favours

In fitting with a wildflower party, these gorgeous seed bombs made the perfect party favours. Party guests can take the soil tablets and seed bombs home and plant them and watch them grow! Great alternative to party bags.

chocolate party favours

Choc bars were the aldi ones. I usually make my own template, but purchased this one on Etsy. You simply print and wrap around the chocolate bars for cute, personalised favours.

More flower inspiration

Enjoy the floral theme for a party? Here’s some more inspiration for you:

Looking for more help organising that next birthday party? Why not download our FREE DIY Party Checklist to help you out!


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