Your Very Own DIY Party Planning Checklist

balloons, heart, sky

Planning a DIY party is no easy feat. From a first birthday through to a baby shower or engagement party. There is plenty to think about. Choosing the right theme, food, invitations, decorations and more. Our DIY party planning checklist has been designed to make the decision-making process as easy as possible. Keep track of everything in the one place. Take notes and tick off what has already been done. No matter what sort of party you are planning, you can keep your party ideas, guest list, food list and more, all in the one easy to find place. It’s party planning made easy!

Ultimate Party Planning

roblox party set upParty planning is both fun and sometimes a little stressful. There is so much to think about in the lead up to the big day. And if you are a bit of a perfectionist, you want everything to go to plan. I mean, who wouldn’t! Ultimate party planning starts months before the event. There’s simple things to think about, like venue and date. When it comes to planning a wedding, there are so many books and folders out there for brides (and grooms) to be to keep track of everything. While planning a party isn’t quite as intense (thankfully or no one would ever host one), the idea of having somewhere to collect all that information and keep it in an easy-to-access place is a great one. That’s why we have put together our DIY party planning checklist.

Here at DIY Party Central, we love parties. Adult parties, kids parties, engagement parties, baby shower parties, you name it, we love it. There is a huge world of parties out there. Many people are diving into the DIY, and that’s what we want to share with you. The aim is to provide you with inspiration, ideas, places to shop and so much more. To make party planning in Australia even easier. Our DIY party planner is just the start. This free printable party checklist has everything you need to get your next event off the ground without a hitch. The best part, print it off again and again for each new party you host. It’s easy!

Download your party planning checklist template here.

Types of Parties


Bachelorette party

It’s not just the kids who get to have all the fun! We have the perfect party checklist for adults, too. Girls just wanna have fun! Planning a bachelorette party is the perfect way to have a good time and celebrate the bride to be. Traditionally organised by the Maid of Honour and the bridal party, there is lots of work that goes into the creating the perfect party and keeping it a surprise from the bride herself. Our DIY party planner can be used as a Bachelorette party checklist as well. From choosing the drinks, games, theme and more, it will have you on track to planning the best bachelorette party ever.

First birthday

Who doesn’t love the idea of a 1st birthday party checklist printable! A first birthday is just as much about the parents as it is about the baby. After all, you survived a whole year of parenthood with them and came out the other side. You deserve to party! With a 1st birthday party checklist, you can keep track of party favors, send invitations. Our first birthday party checklist excel is just what you need to plan a very special day.

Baby shower

baby bottom cake final

Planning an awesome baby shower for yourself or a friend? There’s nothing better than celebrating a new mum to be and giving her to the perfect party to shower her with love and affection. A baby shower checklist simple helps with that planning process, so you have the nappy cookies and dummy cupcakes ready to wow on the big day.

Engagement party

An engagement party is a special time in a couple’s life. It’s a chance to celebrate the upcoming nuptials and to get family and friends together to meet and get to know each other before the big day. An engagement party checklist is a must, to help you plan the perfect event. Whether you are planning a home party or looking for a party planning checklist at a venue, just as much work goes into both options for creating the best event ever. Our engagement party planner template is just what you need for a fun-filled day.

Milestone birthday


Sylvias 60th

Let’s face it, the older we get, the more we deserve to celebrate. Milestone birthdays are – and should always be – a big deal. That’s why our party planning checklist doesn’t discriminate. We have birthday party planning checklist for adults, as well as for kid’s parties. You can simply tick off the boxes that apply to you and add in more in the notes section to help you keep track of everything. Our birthday party checklist for adults means you won’t miss a thing! It’s the ideal birthday checklist.

There are so many reasons to celebrate and host a party, down to a simple dinner party with friends. While party planning can get a little stressful, with a planning checklist in hand, your day will go off without a hitch and you can sit down to enjoy yourself.

Download your party planning checklist excel here.

DIY Party Planning


So who exactly are we here at DIY Party Planning? Our aim is to bring you a party planning site like no other. How many times have you gone through the process of planning a party, only to spend hours on research and get nowhere?

You scroll Pinterest for theme ideas and find something you love, only to click through and discover it is from a US site and you can’t get the same things here in Australia (or the postage is huge). How many times have you wanted just a glimpse of what other parents/friends/sisters/brothers have done for their parties, just to get a little inspiration and give you a good starting point? And how many times have you searched long and hard for party stores in Australia that stock what you need for your next party?

Our planning a party checklist was made for you!

Here at DIY Party Planning, we aim to bring all that to you in one easy, convenient place. You can shop the look of other parties, gain some inspiration and head over to our Facebook Group to chat with other people and see what they have done.

Our party planning guide is our gift to you to help make your next party as awesome as it can be. Don’t forget to browse our site and find food, themes, occasions, and more. And when you’re ready, download our free party planning checklist and get started!

Download your party planning checklist pdf here.


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